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Emergency Preparedness

So how do you get a school full of toddlers and preschoolers to learn what to do in the event of an emergency? You practice of c

ourse! Our teachers prep the students for what drills will look like by first reading a social story about it such as this one.

Social stories are short stories that accurately describe a social situation or event that they will need to handle. They are a big help to little minds who need concrete examples of what to do.

After reading the story a few times over the past month, as well as practicing with just their own class, the children were ready for the real drill. I was so impressed today when we practiced our fire, severe

weather, and lockdown drills. The children knew to stay calm and listen for instructions. And while I certainly hope that these exercises are never anything but a practice drill for us, it is good to know that we are prepared in case of a real emergency!

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