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The Science of Play

I'll admit it, I am a nerd. I love to read non-fiction, and I actually enjoy studying, especially education-related material. So imagine how much I geeked out, when, in the checkout line at HEB, I saw this special edition of TIME on the magazine rack:

A whole magazine edition dedicated to my life's passion. Cool!

Inside is an especially relevant article that absolutely validates our Good News Preschool philosophy of learning through play. It is called "The Science of Play" and it discusses how play is becoming an endangered activity in our school climate of increased testing. The problem is, that as we increase our student's academic focus while decreasing their playtime, children have no time to develop the creative, team-building, problem-solving, conflict-solving, and flexible side of themselves. At Good News, we aim to provide ample opportunity for all kinds of play including: unstructured play, playing through art, guided play, materials-driven play, imaginary play, and many more. You can learn principles of science through play, just as you learn how to work together, how to be alone, and how to stand up for yourself. You can learn mathematics skills, gross motor skills, and fine motor skills all while expanding your creativity. I'm proud to be at a school that is fostering in children this vitally important part of being human and I love that we are constantly finding ways to try and improve our curriculum to do so. Here are some pictures from the week showing just some of the ways we play!

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