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Pure Joy

There are so many things I love about preschoolers, but one of my favorites is that they don't hold back with their emotions. That can be rough when the emotion is anger or frustration, but when it is pure, unadulterated joy it is so much fun to see. Sometimes we think that we need to do something big to bring about that joy, such as take them to Disneyworld or throw an amazing birthday party. But really it is the small things. Today we let them play in a mound of shredded paper. Yep, just plain old paper shreds that will eventually be headed to the recycle bin. We called this shredded paper "snow" and let them toss it in the air, throw it around, dance in it, stomp on it, lay down and make a "snow angel," and even drop some on their teachers' heads! I cannot describe how much laughter and joy they expressed. But here are some photos to show you (a lot of photos...I couldn't narrow down the choices very well because they are all great!):

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